“Replicas” and original paintings, a remarkable gallery with artifacts, and a Google Translated conversation
Fascinating. Glad you stumbled upon the Sunrise Art Center. It always depresses me when I see shoppers loading up their carts at HomeGoods. It must have been an incredible trip!
Thanks Vicki! Yes, the Sunrise Art Center was an incredible discovery in an unlikely place.
This is at once discouraging and inspiring and of course, interesting. Thanks for the journey.
Yes, all of those things! Thanks for reading and commenting.
Fascinating. Glad you stumbled upon the Sunrise Art Center. It always depresses me when I see shoppers loading up their carts at HomeGoods. It must have been an incredible trip!
Thanks Vicki! Yes, the Sunrise Art Center was an incredible discovery in an unlikely place.
This is at once discouraging and inspiring and of course, interesting. Thanks for the journey.
Yes, all of those things! Thanks for reading and commenting.